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Around the world...

...exactly there, when and where you need us!

We work where the product is...

Anywhere, anytime!

With portable filter equipment and unique filtration technologies, MarTest Cambrian is able to remove contamination at the location where the cargo is stored - meaning on land or at sea!

On-site filtration of the product can provide an efficient and economically attractive solution!

Since the founding of our company we successfully treated over 5.5 million metric tons off-spec material and served nearly all major producers, traders, storage terminals, insurance companies, loss adjusters, agencies and cargo underwriters.


Apart from operations at sea, we have operated at several major terminals in the following countries:

  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Benin
  • Brazil
  • Bulgaria
  • Canada
  • Colombia
  • China (People's republic)
  • Congo (Republic of)
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Ghana
  • Greece
  • India
  • Korea (Republic of)
  • Malta
  • Mexico
  • Morocco
  • Mozambique
  • Norway
  • Singapore
  • Spain
  • Sri Lanka
  • Sweden
  • Tanzania
  • The Netherlands
  • The United Arab Emirates
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey
  • United Kingdom
  • United States of America
  • And many more...

On-site filtration by MarTest Cambrian

On-site filtration avoids the expense of freight or other transport charges being incurred. If needed, additional storage tanks would only be required for a minumum period.

Sometimes it will be possible to reprocess the contaminated cargo by in-tank re-circulation, with no need for additional storage. Flexibility of operation suits clients' requirement!

Reprocessing losses are generally far below 0.1%. On board reprocessing could prove logistic & economic benefits - either during loading, discharge or on voyage.


MarTest Cambrian is able to remove contamination at the location where the cargo is stored - meaning on land or at sea!

For service requests or more information regarding our services

Contact us!